Technology Assessed To Support Human Harkat and Dignity

Unconscious globalization has forced everyone to mingle with all forms of technology. Because with the technology, will facilitate all human needs. In addition, the existence of increasingly sophisticated technology should also be able to improve the dignity of human beings. This is as revealed by Riefqi Muna as CO Founder Research and Observation Tecnology and Society (Roots), in Public Lecture titled New Technologies, Security, and Future International Relations. Public lecture held by the Master of Science International Relations Postgraduate Program of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), held in UMY Graduate Session Room, Thursday (22/2). Riefqi said that if you look at technological sophistication that is growing nowadays, the quality of human resources must also be qualified in the field of technology. In other words, humans can adapt themselves to the existence of technology. "Technology is a device developed according to human needs and interests.The use of technology in the humanitarian context should be directed to a positive nature Technically the technology is also used in the military sector such as armaments and in the civil sector such as the development of transportation and industry. adapt to technological developments that are increasingly accessible to the global community, "he said. Then, the process of introduction of technology needs to be submitted to all the people of Indonesia, because there are still many people who do not have facilities of renewable technology. Not only the technology is introduced, but the content, the use of technology, information and ethics of technology must be submitted to all communities. According to him, this can be done by way of literacy so that people have awareness and wisdom in using technology. "So literacy reading is also very necessary because it will affect the way people use technology and consider the content to be published," said Riefqi who is an alumnus of UMY International Relations. Understanding of security is also very needed by the community, because this security is an information security system that is applied to a technology system. Advances in information technology has grown rapidly, making it a new land for criminals to carry out their actions. So supervision also needs to be done, in order to avoid data leakage. Because nowadays more and more transactions so that the emergence of cyber crime is possible. In addition, he continued, the security system in a country must also be considered and should not be careless in using the state security system. "Because it will affect the sovereignty of the state," he said.
